VšĮ Pasaulio lietuvių praktikos ir studijų užsienyje centras
Work and Travel! Darbo praktikos, studijos JAV ir kitose šalyse

DAUG darbo pasiūlymų JAV mūsų "Work and Travel USA" programos pretendentams!

Mūsų partneriai JAV kasmet turi labai daug WT-Premium darbo pasiūlymų iš firmų-darboviečių įvairiose JAV valstijose.

Darbo pasiūlymai 2025 m. vasaros „Work and Travel USA“ programos pretendentams ( jei norite pretenduoti - prašom nedelsiant rašyti e-paštu Hiring@lwc-wt.lt ):

Daug darbo pasiūlymų InterExchange sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje! Tai - puiki galimybė 2 - 3 draugams kartu gauti darbo pasiūlymus į tą pačią darbovietę JAV!  Sistemos vieša nuoroda, kurioje pateikiama trumpa informacija apie tuo metu realius darbo pasiūlymus: https://app.interexchange.org/cooperators/29706c28/job_listings . Šioje nuorodoje pasinaudodama/s filtrais (Position, Region, Housing, kt.), galite matyti, kiek ir kokių Jus galinčių dominti pasiūlymų yra sistemoje, trumpą informaciją apie kiekvieną pasiūlymą. Firmų pavadinimus ir daugiau informacijos apie pasiūlymus mato į sistemą mūsų užregistruoti studentai. Sistemoje studentai pateikia duomenis apie save, nurodo kokiems darbams, vietovėms norėtų pretenduoti; studentai mato išsamius JAV firmų-darboviečių pasiūlymus; firmos renkasi studentus (pagal studentų pateiktą informaciją, galimą darbo laikotarpio trukmę, kt.). 

Darbo pasiūlymai CIEE sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje CIEE Connect:
     Pavyzdžiai su trumpa informacija: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:3058df60-3e18-453a-8b97-0986d616ebce ;
     Applicant Tutorial:

Edgewood Tahoe Resort („TOP“ vietovėje Lake Tahoe - South) - https://edgewoodtahoe.com/ , pareigos: Host / Hostess, Bus Person, Pool / Beach Attendant, Spa Attendant, Food Prep / Prep Cook. . Atlyginimas - nuo $13.00 / hr + Tips iki $21.00 / hr.

The Lobster Boat ( https://www.thelobsterboatrestaurant.com/ ), West Yarmouth, MA (Cape Cod pusiasalyje). Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 150 USD/savaitei, užstatas 150 USD grąžintinas išvykstant. Server $6.75/hr +tips.  Dirbti nuo gegužės 15 d. - birželio 15 d. iki rugsėjo 2 – 15 d.

Morey's Piers ( https://www.moreyspiers.com/ ), Wildwood, NJ prie pat Atlanto vandenyno. Galimos pareigos: Admissions, Food and Beverage Staff, Games Operator, Lifeguard, Rides Operator, Park Services, Server / Waiter, Culinary Staff. Dirbti nuo gegužės 5 d. - birželio 19 d. iki rugsėjo 2 – 15 d. Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 175 USD/savaitei arba dalyviai gali susirasti apgyvendinimo vietą savarankiškai.

Darbo pasiūlymai JAV Nacionaliniuose parkuose, įdomiose JAV vietovėse:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_BW_Squire_Inn_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Grand_Canyon_South_Rim_AZ.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Holiday_Inn_Ridgeline_Hotel_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Yellowstone_Club_Big_Sky_MT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Mount_Rushmore_KOA_Palmer_Gulch_SD.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Storyland_Theme_Park_NH.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Wall_Drug_Store_SD.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Mount_Rushmore_SD.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Rocky_Mountain_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_NASCAR_SpeedPark_Sevierville_TN.pdf .

Jeigu domitės, norite pretenduoti - prašom nedelsiant parašyti e-paštu Hiring@lwc-wt.lt .


Jau BAIGTA registracija 2025 m. vasarai į JAV firmas-darbovietes:

Euro Snack ( https://www.eurosnack.com/untitled ), Truckee, CA (apie 20 km į šiaurę nuo Lake Tahoe):
Food Concession Attendant: 17.00 USD/hour + Tips; dirbti nuo birželio 20 – 30 d. iki rugsėjo 3 – 15 d.
Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 175 USD/savaitei.

Pierres Restaurant and Market ( https://www.pierresbh.com/ ) Bridgehampton, NY (Long Island, netoli nuo Niujorko) - Front of House Support Staff (Front Desk Host, Runner, Busser, Market Attendant pareigas atlikti - pagal darbovietės poreikį, atlyginimas nuo $10/hr + tips iki $18/hr priklausomai nuo pareigų). Dirbti nuo birželio 2 – 20 d. iki rugsėjo 10 – 15 d. Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 150 USD/savaitei.

The Lobster Boat ( https://www.thelobsterboatrestaurant.com/ ), West Yarmouth, MA (Cape Cod pusiasalyje). Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 150 USD/savaitei, užstatas 150 USD grąžintinas išvykstant. Host/ Hostess $16.50/hr. Dirbti nuo gegužės 15 d. - birželio 15 d. iki rugsėjo 2 – 15 d.

https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_South_Rim_Xanterra_AZ.pdf ;

Anaheim Garden Majestic Hotel (Anaheim, CA / Los Angeles, CA - a Disneyland® Resort Good Neighbor Hotel - https://majesticgardenhotel.com ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Assistant, Housekeeping Assistant. Housing provided. Atlyginimas - $16.50 / hr. 

Circus-Circus Las Vegas ( https://www.circuscircus.com ), galimos pareigos: Retail Associate; Midway (Game) Attendants, Lifeguards, Guest Room Attendants. Employee housing on site - Hotel room with 2 person per room 80 USD/week. Atlyginimas per valandą  - nuo  $13.00 / hr. 

„Safeway“ parduotuvėse prie Lake Tahoe – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos (atlyginimas $18.00 / hr): 
     South Lake Tahoe, CA https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/south-lake-tahoe/1020-johnson-ln.html ;
Zephyr Cove, NV https://local.safeway.com/safeway/nv/zephyr-cove/212-elks-point-rd.html . 

JResort (formerly Sands Regency) (Reno, NV - https://www.jresortreno.com/ ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Attendant, atlyginimas  $13.50 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property). 

Foxwoods Resort Casino (the largest resort casino in North America! , www.foxwoods.com Mashantucket, CT), pareigos: Shared Labor Positions. Housing provided in the Fox Tower Hote, cost just 40 USD/week/student. Students will also be offered uniforms and meal cards (3 meals per day). Atlyginimas $16.16 / hr.

Tropicana Laughlin (Laughlin, NV - https://www.caesars.com/tropicana-laughlin ), pareigoms: Restaurant Cashier, Restaurant Stockers, Line Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers/Dishwashers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $12.00 / hr iki $15.00 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property). 

Rocky Gap (Casino - Resort - Golf) - https://www.cnty.com/rocky-gap (Maryland valstijoje, netoli Vašingtono, privalumas - Housing Arranged), pareigoms Room Attendant $15.25 / hr, Utility Cook $15.00 / hr.

Harrah's / Harveys Lake Tahoe (Stateline, NV) - „TOP“ Nr. 1 pagal populiarumą darbovietė „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South):
https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-tahoe ;
https://www.caesars.com/harveys-tahoe .
Pareigos: Beverage Server, Barista, Front Desk Agent, Bell Desk, Server, Busser, Host, Total Rewards Cashier, kt. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $11.25+tips - $20.00+tips.

Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe (formerly Hard Rock Lake Tahoe Hotel & Casino) https://www.goldennugget.com/lake-tahoe/coming-soon/  „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South). Pareigos: Cocktail Server, Cage Cashier, Hotel Front Desk Agent, Barback, Security, kt. Atlyginimas - nuo $12.00 / hr + Tips iki $15.00 / hr + Tips.

Round Hill Pines Beach Resort (Zephyr Cove, NV prie Lake Tahoe - https://www.roundhillpinesresort.com/ ), pareigos: Food Runners, Beach Attendants, Building Services, Parking Attendants. Atlyginimas per valandą - $12.00 / hr arba $15.00 / hr (priklauso nuo pareigų).

Mountaineer Casino (West Virginia valstijoje):
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/food-drink ;
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/calendar ;
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/resort/hotel ;
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/racing .
Verta Jūsų dėmesio darbovietė, tuo labiau - jeigu domitės ir žirginiu sportu. Privalumas - Housing Provided FREE OF CHARGE: We will have onsite hotel rooms and/or dorm rooms available for all participants.  There will be 1-2 participants assigned to each room. The cost will be $0. Nemokamas apgyvendinimas vertintinas kaip PLIUS 2 – 3 USD/val. priedas prie atlyginimo tarifo.

Breakfast Hangout & Euphoria (Lake City, Colorado) http://www.breakfasthangout.com/ : Restaurant Worker $14.81/hr; Housing provided $105/ week; Enjoy a shift meal, free coffee, and soft drinks while you work; Your workplace will be surrounded by towering peaks, clear lakes, and picturesque valleys; Explore scenic trails, world-class fishing, and thrilling water sports during your downtime.


Žemiau - PAVYZDŽIAI darbo pasiūlymų mūsų „Work and Travel USA“ programos pretendentams („WT-Premium“ programos variantas) 2024 m. ir ankstesniais metais.
Tokių ir / ar panašių darbo pasiūlymų
tikimės iš JAV partnerių ir kitos vasaros mūsų Work and Travel USA kandidatams.  

TŪKSTANČIAI darbo pasiūlymų InterExchange sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje! https://app.interexchange.org/cooperators/29706c28/job_listings

Daug darbo pasiūlymų CIEE sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje CIEE Connect - Applicant Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJ0xHQVilc .

Harrah's / Harveys Lake Tahoe (Stateline, NV) - „TOP“ Nr. 1 pagal populiarumą darbovietė „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South):
https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-tahoe ;
https://www.caesars.com/harveys-tahoe .
Pareigos: Beverage Server, Barista, Front Desk Agent, Bell Desk, Server, Busser, Host, Total Rewards Cashier, kt.

Majestic Hotel (Anaheim, CA / Los Angeles, CA - a Disneyland® Resort Good Neighbor Hotel - https://majesticgardenhotel.com ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Assistant, Housekeeping Assistant. Housing provided. 

Santa Cruz Seaside Company (https://beachboardwalk.com/) kurorte prie Ramiojo vandenyno Santa Cruz, California (Voted the World‘s Best Seaside Park): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Santa_Cruz_Seaside_Company_CA.pdf .
Start Date – nuo gegužės pradžios net iki birželio 29 d.
Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas, kaina - nedidelė.

Edgewood Tahoe („TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South) - https://edgewoodtahoe.com/ , pareigos: In-Room Dining Servers, Banquet Servers, Banquet Event Set-Up, Bussers / Food Runners, Hosts, Snack Bar Attendants, Pool Attendants, Prep-Cooks. Atlyginimas - nuo $11,25 / hr + Tips iki $20.00 / hr.

Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe (formerly Hard Rock Lake Tahoe Hotel & Casino) https://www.goldennugget.com/lake-tahoe/coming-soon/  „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South). Pareigos: Cocktail Server, Barista, Bartender, Security, Hotel Front Desk Agent, Busperson, Hostess, Cage Cashier, kt. Atlyginimas - nuo $11,25 / hr + Tips iki $15.00 / hr.

Beach Retreat & Lodge Tahoe (South Lake Tahoe, CA: https://www.tahoebeachretreat.com/ ), pareigos: Line Cook, Kitchen Steward. Atlyginimas per valandą: $16.00 / hr.

„Safeway“ parduotuvėje prie Lake Tahoe – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos (atlyginimas per valandą: $18.00 / hr):
Zephyr Cove, NV (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/nv/zephyr-cove/212-elks-point-rd.html) .

Round Hill Pines Beach Resort (Zephyr Cove, NV prie Lake Tahoe -https://www.roundhillpinesresort.com/ ), pareigos: Food Runners, Beach Attendants, Building Services, Parking Attendants. Atlyginimas per valandą - nuo $12.00 / hr.

The Row Reno ( https://www.caesars.com/the-row-reno - 3 Resorts: „Eldorado“, „Silver Legacy“, "Circus Circus") Reno, NV – pareigos: Barista, Burger Cook, Burger Cashier, Busser, Line Cook, Host, Cashier/Host, Guest Room Attendant, Porter, Steward. Atlyginimas: nuo $10.50 / hr + Tips iki $18.00 / hr.

JResort (formerly Sands Regency) (Reno, NV - https://www.jresortreno.com/ ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Attendant, atlyginimas  $13.50 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property).

Aquarius Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.aquariuscasinoresort.com/ ), pareigos: Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers, EVS Porters. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $13,80 / hr iki $17,55 / hr. Housing Provided (no charge).

Edgewater Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.edgewater-casino.com/ ), pareigos: Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers, EVS Porters. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $13,80 / hr iki $17,55 / hr. Housing Provided (no charge).

Tropicana Laughlin (Laughlin, NV - https://www.caesars.com/tropicana-laughlin ), pareigoms: Restaurant Cashier, Food Servers, Restaurant Stockers, Line Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers/Dishwashers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $10.50 / hr + Tips iki $15.00 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property).

Primm Valley Casino Resorts (https://www.primmvalleyresorts.com/ , Primm, NV) pareigoms: Quick Service Restaurant Staff, Lifeguards, Gas Station Cashiers, Guest Room Attendants, Housemen. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų):  $13.00 / hr - $15.00 / hr. Housing provided by employer on-site. Participants will be living in the “Four Dormitory” units. Each participant will have their own private bedroom.

Foxwoods Resort Casino (the largest resort casino in North America! , www.foxwoods.com Mashantucket, CT), pareigos: Shared Labor Positions. Housing provided in the Fox Tower Hote, cost just 40 USD/week/student. Students will also be offered uniforms and meal cards (3 meals per day). Atlyginimas (priklauso nuo pareigų): nuo $14.50 / hr iki $15.50 / hr.

"Safeway“ parduotuvėje prie Lake Tahoe ežero – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos (atlyginimas per valandą: $18.00 / hr) - South Lake Tahoe, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/south-lake-tahoe/1020-johnson-ln.html) .

Sunriver Resort (Sunriver, Oregon) https://www.sunriverresort.com/ , pareigoms
Housekeeping Room Attendant – 21,75 USD/hr:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_Sunriver_Resort_OR_Housekeeping_Room_Addendant_PC1362170.pdf .

Resorts Casino Hotel (Atlantic City, NJ) - https://resortsac.com/ , pareigoms: Barporter, Bellman, Busperson, Cook, Food Runner, Food Server, Front Desk Agent, Heavy Porter, Host/Hostess, Line Server, Parking Cashier / Dispatcher, Porter, Room Attendant, kt. Atlyginimas - nuo $10,50 / hr + Tips iki $21.00 / hr.

Golden Nugget Atlantic City (Atlantic City, NJ - https://www.goldennugget.com/atlantic-city/ ), pareigoms: Intermediate Cook - atlyginimas $20.00 / hr, Pantry Attendant - atlyginimas $19.50 / hr;  pareigoms: Bartender, Bar Porter, Food Server, Bus Person, Security Officer, EVS Cleaner, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Porter/Steward. Atlyginimas (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $10.00 / hr iki $19.00 / hr.

Bally's Atlantic City (Atlantic City, NJ - https://casinos.ballys.com/atlantic-city/ ), pareigoms: Attendant - Beach Bar, Attendant - Food Dunkin Donuts, Pool Attendant, Cook I - The Yard, Host Person, Guest Service Agent, Quality Assurance Coordinator, Kitchen Utility, EVS - Casino Utility Attendant, kt. Atlyginimas - $14,13 / hr.

Mt. McKinley Lodge (Princess Lodges) Aliaskoje ( https://www.princesslodges.com/princess-alaska-lodges/mckinley-lodge/ ):
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_HAP_Mt_McKinley_Princess_AK_PC1417481_Busser.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_HAP_Mt_McKinley_Princess_AK_PC1417489_Prep_Cook.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_HAP_Mt_McKinley_Princess_AK_PC1417513_Dishwasher.pdf .

PMG-Aquatic Management of Austin (Austin, TX - Teksase): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_PMG_Aquatic_TX_Lifeguard_PC1363938.pdf .

Bandon Dunes Golf Resort (Bandon, Oregon): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Bandon_Dunes_Golf_Resort_OR.pdf .
Delaware North at Tenaya Lodge (Yosemite National Park, Fish Camp, California): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Tenaya_Lodge_Yosemite_CA.pdf

Delaware North Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon South Rim, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf .
Xanterra Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon South Rim, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf

Xanterra Rocky Mountain National Park (Trail Ridge Gift Store) (Estes Park, Colorado): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Rocky_Mountain_CO.pdf .

Grand Canyon North Rim {Grand Canyon (North Rim), Arizona}: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf .

Delaware North at the Squire Resort Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon Village,  Tusayan, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Squire_Resort_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf .

Xanterra Mt. Rushmore (Keystone, South Dakota): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Mt_Rushmore_SD.pdf .

Aramark at Lake Powell North (Bullfrog, Utah): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Aramark_at_Lake_Powell_North_UT.pdf .

Wall Drug Store (Wall, South Dakota): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Wall_Drug_Store_SD.pdf .

Story Land Theme Park (Glen, New Hampshire): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Story_Land_Theme_Park_NH.pdf .

Grand Canyon North Rim {Grand Canyon (North Rim), Arizona}: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf .

The Lodge at Bryce Canyon (Bryce, Utah): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Lodge_at_Bryce_Canyon_UT.pdf .
Kampgounds of America / Palmer Gulch Lodge Mt. Rushmore (Hill City, South Dakota):
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Mt_Rushmore_KOA_Palmer_Gulch_Resort_SD.pdf .

Aramark at South Lake Powell (Page, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Aramark_at_Lake_Powell_South_AZ.pdf .

Turning Stone Resort Casino (Verona, NY - www.turningstone.com), pareigos: Golf Course Attendant, Kitchen BoH staff. Housing provided, tik 38 USD / savaitei.

Edgewood Tahoe (Lake Tahoe - South) - https://edgewoodtahoe.com/ , pareigos: Bussers / Food Runners, In-Room Dining Servers, Hosts, Pool Attendants, Prep-Cooks, Barista, Stewards. 

Chart House – Tahoe (Stateline, NV - https://www.chart-house.com/location/chart-house-lake-tahoe-nv/ ), pareigos: Busser / Food Runner $11.50/hr + tips, Host / Hostess $16.00/hr + tips, Prep Cook / Cook $19.00/hr + tips.

Foxwoods Resort Casino (the largest resort casino in North America! , www.foxwoods.com Mashantucket, CT), pareigos: Shared Labor Positions. Housing provided in the Fox Tower Hote, cost just 40 USD/week/student. Students will also be offered uniforms and meal cards (3 meals per day). .

Circus-Circus Las Vegas ( https://www.circuscircus.com ), pareigos: Midway (Game) Attendants, Lifeguards, Guest Room Attendants. Employee housing on site - Hotel room with 2 person per room. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $10.50 / hr - $17.21 / hr.

Bally’s Lake Tahoe ( https://ballyslaketahoe.com/ ), pareigos: Front Desk Clerks, Cocktail Servers, Buspersons, Cafe Attendants, Security, Guest Room Attendants, kt. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų):  $10.50/hr+tips - $16.75 / hr.

Beach Retreat & Lodge Tahoe (South Lake Tahoe, CA: https://www.tahoebeachretreat.com/ ), pareigos: Restaurant Support Staff, Banquet Support Staff, Kitchen Cook, Kitchen Steward.

Camp Richardson Resort (South Lake Tahoe, CA - www.camprichardson.com), pareigos: Host; Prep Cook / Pantry; Dishwasher; Support Staff; Campgrounds RV Attendant; General Store Clerk; Ice Cream Parlor Scooper; Marina Attendant; Parking Attendant; Warehouse Attendant. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų):  $15.50/hr - $15.50/hr+tips.

Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel (South Lake Tahoe, CA - https://www.tahoeresorthotel.com/ ) - pareigos: Food Runner / Busser / Cafe Attendant; Housekeepers; Steward / Dishwasher. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų):  $15.00/hr+tips - $17.00  / hr.

Safeway“ parduotuvėse prie Lake Tahoe ežero keliose vietovėse – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos:
South Lake Tahoe, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/south-lake-tahoe/1020-johnson-ln.html);
Zephyr Cove, NV (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/nv/zephyr-cove/212-elks-point-rd.html) .
Tahoe City, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/tahoe-city/850-n-lake-blvd.html);
Truckee, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/truckee/11290-donner-pass-rd.html);
Kings Beach, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/kings-beach/7815-n-lake-blvd.html).    

Round Hill Pines Beach Resort (Zephyr Cove, NV prie Lake Tahoe - www.roundhillpinesresort.com), pareigos: Beach Attendants, Cooks, Cashiers, Parking Attendants, Food Runners, Building Services, Dishwashers.

Quality Inn South Lake Tahoe ( https://www.choicehotels.com/california/south-lake-tahoe/quality-inn-hotels/ca668 ), pareigos: Front Desk Agent, Housekkepers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų):  $16.00 / hr - $17.00 / hr. Housing offered by the Host Company.

Tahoe Hospitality (South Lake Tahoe, CA - https://tahoehospitality.com/ ), pareigos:  Front Desk Agent, Guest Room Attendant. Atlyginimas per valandą: $15.00 / hr. Housing offered by the Host Company.

Reno, NV - The Biggest Little City in the World:
Sands Regency Casino Hotel (https://sandsregency.com/), pareigos: Food and Beverage Attendant, Front Desk Agent, Houseperson, Guest Room Attendant. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $13.00 / hr - $15.00 / hr. Housing Provided by the HC (free on property).

Gold Dust West Reno (https://www.gdwcasino.com/reno/), pareigos: Bussers, Grill Servers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $9.50/hr+tips - $10.00 / hr.
Housing Provided by the HC (free at Sands Regency). NEMOKAMO apgyvendinimo papildoma nauda dalyviams vertintina BENT PO KELIS USD/val. plius prie nurodyto atlyginimo tarifo.

The Row Reno“ ( https://www.caesars.com/the-row-reno - 3 Resorts: „Eldorado“, „Silver Legacy“, "Circus Circus") Reno, NV – pareigos: Cocktail Server (šiose pareigose labai gerus arbatpinigius gaudavo merginos), Cooks, Room Attendants, Public Area Housekeepers, Dishwashers.  

Nugget Casino Resort (Reno / Sparks, NV, www.nuggetcasinoresort.com ), pareigos Guest Room Attendants. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo valomų kambarių skaičiaus):  $16.00 / hr - $18.00 / hr.  

Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT - https://mohegansun.com/) - pareigoms: Food Server - Room Service, Barista, Barback, Front Window Cashier, Retail Sales Person, Support Specialist, Cook - Room Service, Guest Room Attendant ir kitoms. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $8.15/hr+tips - $16.38 / hr.

The Lodge Casino (Black Hawk, CO - https://thelodgecasino.com/ ), pareigos: Restaurant Cashier/Host, Busser, Kitchen Worker (Prep and Dishwasher), Hotel Housekeeper / Casino Steward, Facilities Utility. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $16.00 / hr -  $17.50  / hr. Housing and Transportation arranged.

Aquarius Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.aquariuscasinoresort.com/ ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers,EVS Porters.

Edgewater Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.edgewater-casino.com/ ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers,EVS Porters.

Tropicana Laughlin (Laughlin, NV - https://www.caesars.com/tropicana-laughlin ), pareigoms: Restaurant Cashier, Food Server (with experience), Line Cooks (with experience), Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers/Dishwashers. Housing Provided by the HC (free on property).

Marco Polo Pizza, Myrtle Beach, SC, pareigos: Kitchen Help; apgyvendinimas suteikiamas: Marco_Polo_Pizza_SC_Kitchen_Help  .

Atrankos ir apmokymai Kaune ir Vilniuje vasaros sezono darbui pardavimų srityje “The Southwestern Advantage" kompanijoje ( www.southwesternadvantage.com ) įvairiose JAV valstijose.

Caesar's Atlantic City Properties (https://www.caesars.com/atlantic-city) Atlantic City, NJ, pareigos - Houskeepers / Housepersons ($19.00 / $20.00 / hr after June 1, 2023):
Caesar’s Atlantic City - https://www.caesars.com/caesars-ac ;
Harrah’s Atlantic City - https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-ac/hotel .

Harrah's Council Bluffs (Council Bluffs, Iowa - https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-council-bluffs ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants. Housing provided.

Horseshoe Council Bluffs (Council Bluffs, Iowa - https://www.caesars.com/horseshoe-council-bluffs ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants. Housing provided. 

Long Island, NY (netoli Niujorko):
Duryeas Lobster Deck NY Host ;
Lulu Kitchen & Bar NY Busser .

Lake Shore Country Club Čikagos priemiestyje (https://www.lakeshorecc.com):
padavėja/s: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_PC882597.pdf ;
Locker Room Attendant / Housekeeper: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_PC882598.pdf .

Ballard's (Block Island, RI, netoli Niujorko https://ballardsbi.com/ ; #ultimatesummerparty ; video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlju9dhbotg ) :  Food & Beverage (in 2021 J1 students in this position made and average of $1,000 per week in July & August), Culinary, Front Desk, Hotel/Resort Workers. Dormitory style housing offered at $100/week.

The Gilpin Casino (Black Hawk, CO - https://thegilpincasino.com/): Casino/Hotel Housekeepers, Prep Cooks, Food Cashiers, Dishwashers. 

Dunkin Donuts keli - keliolika restoranėlių Massachussetts valstijos Rytuose: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Dunkin_Donuts_Couto_MA.pdf

Stein Eriksen Lodge (Park City, UT): Cooks $18.00 /hour, Housekeepers $18.00 /hour + Tips, Host/Hostess $14.50 /hour + Tips, Food and Beverage Assistants $9.00 /hour + Tips, Spa Attendant $18.00 /hour, Dishwasher $18.00 /hour: https://www.steincollection.com/https://www.steinlodge.com/dininghttps://www.steinlodge.com/amenitieshttps://www.steinlodge.com/weddings

Castle Hill In, Newport RI - Food and Beverage Assistant $15.00 /hour + Tips: https://www.castlehillinn.com/https://www.instagram.com/castlehillinn/ .

Newport Hotel Group (https://www.newporthotelgroup.com/ ) in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, & Wyoming:
($18.00/hr - $21.00/hr).

Morey‘s Piers and Water Parks New Jersey valstijoje:
https://www.moreyspiers.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Moreys_Piers_NJ.pdf .

Jilly‘s Stores Ocean City, New Jersey valstijoje:
https://jillysocnj.com/ ;

Runaway Rapids at Keansburg Amusement Park New Jersey valstijoje:
https://keansburgamusementpark.com/runaway-rapids/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Runaway_Rapids_NJ.pdf .
Apgyvendinimas buvo tik 50 USD/savaitei. 

Taco Boy And Wiki Wiki Sandbar Folly Beach, South Carolina:
https://www.wikiwikisandbar.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Taco_Boy_Wiki_Wiki_Sandbar_SC.pdf .
Nemokamas apgyvendinimas.

Story Land New Hampshire valstijoje:
https://www.storylandnh.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Story_Land_NH.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Storyland_Theme_Park_NH.pdf .

YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly Black Mountain, North Carolina:
https://blueridgeassembly.org/  ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_YMCA_Blue_Ridge_NC.pdf .

The Lodge at Bryce Canyon, Bryce, Utah - Bryce Canyon Lodge UT .

Grand Canyon Lodge - Arizonos valstijoje:

Xanterra Rocky Mountain - Colorado valstijoje:

Yellowstone Club - Montanos valstijoje:

West Glacier KOA - Montanos valstijoje:

Mt. Rushmore KOA – South Dakota valstijoje:

Xanterra Mt. Rushmore – South Dakota valstijoje:

Wall Drug Store – South Dakota valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Wall_Drug_Store_SD.pdf ;

Northgate Resorts darbo pasiūlymai valstijose - California, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Texas:  (https://www.northgateresorts.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Northgate_Resorts_CA_MD_NH_NY_TX.pdf ;
Nemokamas apgyvendinimas.

Dells Resorts poilsio komplekese (Wisconsin Dells, WI – vandens parkų „sostinėje“):
    Aloha Beach Resort -
https://www.alohabeachresort.com/ :
 Dells Resorts Aloha Beach Resort WI Front Desk Reservationist
 Dells Resorts Aloha Beach Resort WI Housekeeper
    Natura Resort -
https://www.destinationsbynatura.com/ :
 Dells Resorts Natura Resort WI Front Desk Reservationist
 Dells Resorts Natura Resort WI Housekeeper
 Dells Resorts Natura Resort WI Lagoon Ranger
    Hot Rocks Restaurant -
https://www.eatonhotrocks.com/menu/ :
 Dells Resorts Hot Rocks Restaurant WI Expeditor
   The Vue Boutique Hotel
https://www.enjoythevue.com/ :
 Dells Resorts Vue Boutique WI Housekeeper
Start Dates: May 4 – June 19; End dates: September 7 - 15. 
Housing provided: $100 / week.

Bluebird Restaurant & Tavern (Leland, MI - https://www.bluebirdleland.com/), pareigoms, informacija - nuorodose:
Bluebird of Leland MI Server .
Bluebird of Leland MI Cook ;
Bluebird of Leland MI Dishwasher .

Tahoe Ridge Resort (https://holidayinnclub.com/explore-resorts/tahoe-ridge-resort , Stateline, NV / South Lake Tahoe, CA).  

Thundering Surf Waterpark (https://www.thunderingsurfwaterpark.com/) Beach Haven, NJ (prie Atlanto vandenyno), pareigoms Shallow Water Lifeguard: Thundering Surf Waterpark Beach Haven NJ Shallow Water Lifeguard .  

Watermen‘s Retreat (Wawes, NC - https://www.watermensretreat.com/) prie Atlanto vandenyno, pareigos Housekeeping, Dishwasher / Prep Cook:
Watermans Retreat Waves NC Housekeeping ;
Watermens Bar & Grill Waves NC Dishwasher PrepCook .

Nugget Casino Resort (www.nuggetcasinoresort.com Reno / Sparks, NV) - pareigoms:
Host-Cashier / Busperson: Nugget Host Cashier .
Store Room Clerk: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Nugget_Storeroom_Clerk.pdf ;
Utility Worker: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Nugget_Facilities_Utility_worker.pdf . 

Grand Sierra Resort (https://www.grandsierraresort.com) - pareigoms: Cocktail Server; Food Server; Food Runner; Busser / Bus Person;  Bar Helper – Beach; Host / Cashier; Front Desk Agent; Guest Services Reservationist; Bell Desk Attendant; Cook Helper; Cook – Buffet; Steward / Dishwasher; Guest Room Attendant; Porter Public Area Ceaner / EVS ir / ar kitoms.

Van Rensselaer's Restaurant (South Wellfleet, MA) - https://www.vanrensselaers.com/ .

Santa‘s Village (Jefferson, NH) - https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Santas_Village_Jefferson_NH.pdf .

Rioz Brazlilian Steakhouse: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Rioz_Brazilian_Steakhouse_SC.pdf .  

Chautauqua Institution: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Chautauqua_Institution_NY.pdf .

Centerplate Steamship Authority: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Centerplate_Steamship_MA.pdf .

Ortega National Parks (kelios lokacijos): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Ortega_National_Parks.pdf .

California Parks Company (kelios lokacijos): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_California_Parks_Company_CA_OR.pdf .

Funtown Splashtown (Maine / ME): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Centerplate_at_Funtown_Splashtown_ME.pdf .

Dumsers Diary Land (Ocean City, MD): Dumsers Dairyland MD Ocean City .

ACE Aquatiqs (Maryland / MD, įvairios lokacijos): Ace Aquatics MD Lifeguard

Newport Restaurants: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Newport_Restaurants_RI.pdf .

Taco Boy Wiki Sandbar: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Taco_Boy_Wiki_Wiki_Sandbar_SC.pdf .

Piggly Wigly: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Piggly_Wiggly_WI.pdf .

Sunset Beach Hotel: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Sunset_Beach_Hotel_NY.pdf .

Cross Sound Deli: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Cross_Sound_Deli_CT.pdf .

Westgate Resorts: Westgate Resorts Gatlinburg TN .

Boardwalk Restaurants: Boardwalk Restaurants OH .

Off the Map Hospitality: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Off_the_Map_Hospitality_MI.pdf .

Sportservice: Sportservice Milwaukee WI ;
Mt. Olympus (Wisconsin Dells, WI).

Chula Vista Resort (Wisconsin Dells, WI) - http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Chula_Vista_WI.pdf .

Forbes Candies (NC, VA) .

Bel-Air Bay Club - www.belairbayclub.com .
#1 of all
Los Angeles Wedding Venues!
The Bel-Air Bay Club is an event venue located in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California. Bel-Air Bay Club consists of two facilities separated by Pacific Coast Highway. The grounds are located on one-quarter mile of beachfront, with a total of 14 acres including picturesque bluffs overlooking the sea.

Pareigoms: Food & Banquet Server, Beach Attendant, Locker Room Attendant.

Alpine Resort and Golf Club:
Alpine Resort and Golf Club WI Housekeeper ;
Alpine Resort and Golf Club WI Server .

Bakers Sunset Bay Resort: Bakers Sunset Bay Resort WI Housekeeper .

Ponderosa Restaurant:
Ponderosa Restaurant WI Cashier ;
Ponderosa Restaurant WI Dishwasher ;
Ponderosa Restaurant WI Prep Cook .

Sunset Grille Raw Bar: Sunset Grille Raw Bar NC Kitchen Help .

Holiday Inn & Suites:
Holiday Inn & Suites North Beach VA Host
Holiday Inn & Suites North Beach VA Pool Attendant
Holiday Inn & Suites North Beach VA Prep Cook
Holiday Inn Express & Suites VA Houseman
Holiday Inn VA Beach Oceanside Room Attendant
Kitty Hawk parduotuvėse Šiaurės Karolinos kurortuose prie Atlanto:
Kitty Hawk Kites Beaufort NC Fun Consultant ;
Kitty Hawk Kites Corolla NC Fun Consultant ;
Kitty Hawk Surf Nags Head NC Fun Consultant .
The Fudgery - saldėsių gamyboje ir prekyboje kurortuose prie Atlanto:
Fudgery Currituck Club Corolla NC Sales Person ;
Fudgery Jockeys Ridge Nags Head NC Candymaker ;
Fudgery Timbuck II Corolla NC Candymaker ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Fudgery_Myrtle_Beach_SC_Candymaker_Male_PC260530.pdf ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Fudgery_Scarborough_Lane_NC_Candymaker_Male_PC260538.pdf ;

Pelham House Resort (Dennisport, MA): Pelham House Resort MA Cook .

Sanderling Resort (https://www.sanderling-resort.com/ , Duck, NC): 
   Sanderling Resort Duck NC Busser Server ;
   Sanderling Resort Duck NC Houseperson .

Kiawah Island Club Private Membership Club (https://www.kiawahislandclub.com), pareigoms Food Runner, Host/Hostess: Kiawah Island Club SC .

Grand Canyon North Rim, LLC (Forever Resorts) Arizonoje - https://www.grandcanyonforever.com/ , informacija: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf .

Allen Marine Tours (Aliaskoje, pareigoms Tour Representative) - https://allenmarinetours.com/ , informacija: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Allen_Marine_Tours_AK.pdf .

Storyland Theme Park: Storyland Theme Park Glen NH .

Delaware North Grand Canyon: Delaware North Grand Canyon AZ .

Bonkers Restaurant: Bonkers Restaurant Page AZ (town near Antelope Canyon and the Horseshoe Bend).

Mariners Arcade:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Mariners_Arcade_NJ_PC366155.pdf (Customer Associate);
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Mariners_Arcade_NJ_Customer_Associate_PC344687.pdf ;

Sunset Beachware:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Sunset_Beachwear_NJ_PC333711.pdf (Customer Service Associate);
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Sunset_Beachwear_PC333712_M_Customer_Service_Associate.pdf ;

Spring Brook Golf Resort:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Spring_Brook_Golf_Resort_WI_PC341550.pdf  (https://www.spring-brook.com/ ; Restaurant Worker); 
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Spring_Brook_Golf_Resort_WI_PC341549.pdf (https://www.spring-brook.com/ ; Housekeeper

KK Fiske Granary:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/KK_Fiske_Granary_WI_PC357225.pdf (Waitstaff);

Yachtclub Sisterbay:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/YachtClub_SisterBay_WI_Hskp_PC365314.pdf .
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/YachtClub_SisterBay_WI_PC345780.pdf (Housekeeper).

Kalahari Resort:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Kalahari_Resort_PC333839_Lifeguard.pdf ;

Family Kingdom:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Family_Kingdom_SC_Lifeguard_PC263878.pdf  (
Start date May 13 – 17);

Dairy Queen:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Dairy_Queen_NC_Store_Attendant_Crew_Member_PC265380.pdf ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Dairy_Queen_NC_Store_Attendant_Crew_Member_PC265382.pdf .

Grand Casino Hinckley Hotel:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Grand_Casino_Hinckley_Hotel_MN_Line_Cook_PC270281.pdf ;

Newport Pacific Corp - Mos Restaurant:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Newport_Pacific_Corp_dba_Mos_Restaurant_OR_Line_Cook_PC285723.pdf ;

Seafood House / Calabash Buffet: http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Seafood_House_Calabash_Buffet_SC_Hostess_Busser_Gift%20Shop_PC271169.pdf ;

Sports Bar & Grill: http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/716_Sports_Bar_&_Grill_NY_Line_Cook_PC263840.pdf ;

Loews' Miami:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Loews_Miami_Retail_Sales_Associate_PC263497.pdf ;

Shoreline Apparel: http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Shoreline_Apparel_Customer_Service_Associate_PC282754.pdf .

Paul Bunyan's:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Paul_Bunyans_Cook_Shanty_PC276699.pdf ;

Rock House Bar and Grill, Tybee Island, GA (also known as Savannah Beach, is an island located just 20 minutes away from historic downtown Savannah, GA) - http://www.rockhousetybee.com/ :
Server / Bartender,
Hostess, Cook.

Ocean Edge Resort & Golf Club (Cape Cod, MA):
www.oceanedge.com ;
https://www.oceanedge.com/photos ;
Pareigoms: Food and Beverage, Reservations, Conference Services, Golf Operations Attendant, Beach / Pool Attendant, Cook, Room Attendant, kt. 

Busch Gardens - Williamsburg, VA
https://seaworldparks.com/en/buschgardens-williamsburg/ ;
http://buschgardens.com/ ;
http://www.bgwjobs.com/internationalprogram.html ;

Rock Island Cafe (Honolulu, Hawaii) http://www.rockislandcafe.com/
Start Dates: May 9 - June 30
End Dates: August 1 - September 16.

Shaw's (Grocery Store) - Hyannis, MA: https://local.shaws.com/ma/hyannis.html

Amazing Pictures:
Universal Studios, Hollywood, CA
Disney World, Orlando, FL
pramogų parkuose kitose JAV valstijose.

Gateway 26 Arcade (Wildwood, NJ) - http://www.gateway26.com/ :
Counter Attendants / Floor Attendants

Asticou Inn – Northeast Harbor, ME
Servers / Assistant Servers. 

Hard Rock Café
Food Runner
Retail Sales Associate
Various Locations / keliose vietovėse, e.g. / pvz.: 
Hard Rock Cafe Washington, DC - 
www.hardrock.com/cafes/washington-dc/ ;
Hard Rock Cafe Miami, FL -
www.hardrock.com/cafes/miami/ ;
Hard Rock Café Myrtle Beach, SC -
www.hardrock.com/cafes/myrtle-beach/ ;
Hard Rock Café Key West, FL -
www.hardrock.com/cafes/key-west/ ;
Hard Rock Café Baltimore, MD -
www.hardrock.com/cafes/baltimore/ ;
Hard Rock Café New Orleans, LA - www.hardrock.com/cafes/new-orleans/ .

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Resort and Spa (San Diego, CA) - https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/hotel/california/hyatt-regency-mission-bay-spa-and-marina/sanis :
Room and Laundry Attendance / Houseperson. 

Denali Park Salmon Bake - Denali Park, Alaska (AK)
Hosts, Restaurant Worker, other positions, 
Video apie Aliaską: 
http://alaska.org/videos .

Seward Windsong Lodge, Alaska: 
Hotel Attendant (Start - first week of May) 
Hotel Attendant (Start - last week of May) 

Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge, Alaska
Hotel Attendant (Start – May to June 01) 

Best Western Grand Canyon Squire Inn, Grand Canyon, Arizona 
www.grandcanyonsquire.com/ ;
www.grandcanyonsquire.com/surrounding_area.html :
Hotel Worker.

The Home Depot parduotuvės Aliaskoje (Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Kenai, Wasilla) - https://www.facebook.com/homedepot/ :
 Cashier / Returns Associate, Sales Associate, Lot Associate

Perfect Pool & Spa Management Inc., New Jersey 
Pool Maintenance/Lifeguard, Male 
Near to New York, NY. Housing FREE, so value approx. +$2/hour to Pay Rate (e.g., if housing $400/month, you work 200 hours/month). 

Margaritaville Beach Hotel (Pensacola, FL) -
www.margaritavillehotel.com/ : 
Cook, Front Desk, Bellman, Housekeeper. 

Margaritaville Restaurant (Myrtle Beach, SC) - www.margaritavillemyrtlebeach.com/ : 
Retail / Hosts.

LandShark (Myrtle Beach, SC) - https://www.facebook.com/LandSharkMyrtleBeach : 
Server, Busser, Host, Cook (must have experience).  

Big Sky Resort (http://www.bigskyresort.com/), Montana (MT).

Hyatt Place Hotel – Uncasville, CT 
Housekeepers, Housemen, Laundry 

The Resort at Paws Up
 – Greenough, Montana 
Housekeepers, Dishwashers, Cooks 

Best Western Colorado River Inn - Needles, California 
Housekeeper/Laundry Attendant 

Bay Point Marriott Resort - Panama City Beach, Florida

Destin Hilton – Destin, Florida 

Big Kahuna’s Water and Adventure Park (Destin, Florida) 

Harrah's North Kansas City kazino - viešbučių komplekse (Kansas City, Missouri):

Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort, Spa and Casino (Incline Village, Nevada valstijoje):

Johnny Rockets
Manhattan (New York, NY): 

Tropicana Express / River Palms Resort Casino kazino - viešbučių komplekse (Laughlin, Nevada): 

Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville (Florida, South
Carolina, Connecticut, etc.):

Belle Haven Country Club (Alexandria, Virginia):

George’s of Galilee – Waterfront Seafood Restaurant (Narragansett, Rhode Island): 

Forty 1 North Marina Resort (Newport, Rhode Island): 
Ritz Carlton Miami Beach, Florida:

Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel, California:
Residence Inn (Williamsburg, Virginia):
http://www.hhmhospitality.com/ .

Spalio mėn. - balandžio mėn. vykdomos atrankos ir apmokymai Kaune ir Vilniuje vasaros sezono darbui “The Southwestern Advantage" kompanijoje ( www.southwesternadvantage.com ) įvairiose JAV valstijose.  

Darbo pasiūlymų CIEE sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje CIEE Connect ankstesnių metų pavyzdžiai:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Connect_some_Host_Companies.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Beach_Breeze_Inn_MA.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Beaver_Creek_Mountain_Lodging_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Catawba_Island_Club_The_Galley_OH_FnB_Associate.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Deer_Valley_Resort_Plaza_UT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Deer_Valley_Resort_The_Lodges_at_Deer_Valley_UT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Fishermans_Daughter_MA_Sales_Associate.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Pirates_Table_Calabash_Seafood_Buffet_SC.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Pirates_Table_Calabash_Seafood_Buffet_SC_Waitstaff.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Activities_Attendant.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Barback.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Front_Desk_Clerk.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Line_Cook.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Steamboat_Ski_Resort_Corp_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Stein_Eriksen_Lodge_UT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Stock_Farm_Club_MT.pdf .
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Stock_Farm_Club_MT.pdf .

Pastaba: renkantis darbo pasiūlymą, vertėtų atkreipti dėmesį, kad nemokamo ar nebrangaus - su ženklia nuolaida apgyvendinimo papildoma nauda dalyviams vertintina BENT PO KELIS USD/val. plius prie nurodomo atlyginimo tarifo.

