DAUG darbo pasiūlymų JAV mūsų "Work and Travel USA" programos pretendentams!
Mūsų partneriai JAV kasmet turi labai daug WT-Premium darbo pasiūlymų iš firmų-darboviečių įvairiose JAV valstijose.
Darbo pasiūlymai 2025 m. vasaros „Work and Travel USA“ programos pretendentams ( jei norite pretenduoti - prašom nedelsiant rašyti e-paštu Hiring@lwc-wt.lt ):
Daug darbo pasiūlymų InterExchange sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje! Tai - puiki galimybė 2 - 3 draugams kartu gauti darbo pasiūlymus į tą pačią darbovietę JAV! Sistemos vieša nuoroda, kurioje pateikiama trumpa informacija apie tuo metu realius darbo pasiūlymus: https://app.interexchange.org/cooperators/29706c28/job_listings . Šioje nuorodoje pasinaudodama/s filtrais (Position, Region, Housing, kt.), galite matyti, kiek ir kokių Jus galinčių dominti pasiūlymų yra sistemoje, trumpą informaciją apie kiekvieną pasiūlymą. Firmų pavadinimus ir daugiau informacijos apie pasiūlymus mato į sistemą mūsų užregistruoti studentai. Sistemoje studentai pateikia duomenis apie save, nurodo kokiems darbams, vietovėms norėtų pretenduoti; studentai mato išsamius JAV firmų-darboviečių pasiūlymus; firmos renkasi studentus (pagal studentų pateiktą informaciją, galimą darbo laikotarpio trukmę, kt.).
Darbo pasiūlymai CIEE sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje CIEE Connect:
Pavyzdžiai su trumpa informacija: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:3058df60-3e18-453a-8b97-0986d616ebce ;
Applicant Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJ0xHQVilc .
Edgewood Tahoe Resort („TOP“ vietovėje Lake Tahoe - South) - https://edgewoodtahoe.com/ , pareigos: Host / Hostess, Bus Person, Pool / Beach Attendant, Spa Attendant, Food Prep / Prep Cook. . Atlyginimas - nuo $13.00 / hr + Tips iki $21.00 / hr.
The Lobster Boat ( https://www.thelobsterboatrestaurant.com/ ), West Yarmouth, MA (Cape Cod pusiasalyje). Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 150 USD/savaitei, užstatas 150 USD grąžintinas išvykstant. Server $6.75/hr +tips. Dirbti nuo gegužės 15 d. - birželio 15 d. iki rugsėjo 2 – 15 d.
Morey's Piers ( https://www.moreyspiers.com/ ), Wildwood, NJ prie pat Atlanto vandenyno. Galimos pareigos: Admissions, Food and Beverage Staff, Games Operator, Lifeguard, Rides Operator, Park Services, Server / Waiter, Culinary Staff. Dirbti nuo gegužės 5 d. - birželio 19 d. iki rugsėjo 2 – 15 d. Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 175 USD/savaitei arba dalyviai gali susirasti apgyvendinimo vietą savarankiškai.
Darbo pasiūlymai JAV Nacionaliniuose parkuose, įdomiose JAV vietovėse:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_BW_Squire_Inn_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Grand_Canyon_South_Rim_AZ.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Holiday_Inn_Ridgeline_Hotel_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_at_Tenaya_Lodge_Yosemite_CA.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Yellowstone_Club_Big_Sky_MT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Mount_Rushmore_KOA_Palmer_Gulch_SD.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Storyland_Theme_Park_NH.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Wall_Drug_Store_SD.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Mount_Rushmore_SD.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Rocky_Mountain_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_NASCAR_SpeedPark_Sevierville_TN.pdf .
Jeigu domitės, norite pretenduoti - prašom nedelsiant parašyti e-paštu Hiring@lwc-wt.lt .
Jau BAIGTA registracija 2025 m. vasarai į JAV firmas-darbovietes:
Euro Snack ( https://www.eurosnack.com/untitled ), Truckee, CA (apie 20 km į šiaurę nuo Lake Tahoe):
Food Concession Attendant: 17.00 USD/hour + Tips; dirbti nuo birželio 20 – 30 d. iki rugsėjo 3 – 15 d.
Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 175 USD/savaitei.
Pierres Restaurant and Market ( https://www.pierresbh.com/ ) Bridgehampton, NY (Long Island, netoli nuo Niujorko) - Front of House Support Staff (Front Desk Host, Runner, Busser, Market Attendant pareigas atlikti - pagal darbovietės poreikį, atlyginimas nuo $10/hr + tips iki $18/hr priklausomai nuo pareigų). Dirbti nuo birželio 2 – 20 d. iki rugsėjo 10 – 15 d. Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 150 USD/savaitei.
The Lobster Boat ( https://www.thelobsterboatrestaurant.com/ ), West Yarmouth, MA (Cape Cod pusiasalyje). Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas 150 USD/savaitei, užstatas 150 USD grąžintinas išvykstant. Host/ Hostess $16.50/hr. Dirbti nuo gegužės 15 d. - birželio 15 d. iki rugsėjo 2 – 15 d.
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_South_Rim_Xanterra_AZ.pdf ;
Anaheim Garden Majestic Hotel (Anaheim, CA / Los Angeles, CA - a Disneyland® Resort Good Neighbor Hotel - https://majesticgardenhotel.com ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Assistant, Housekeeping Assistant. Housing provided. Atlyginimas - $16.50 / hr.
Circus-Circus Las Vegas ( https://www.circuscircus.com ), galimos pareigos: Retail Associate; Midway (Game) Attendants, Lifeguards, Guest Room Attendants. Employee housing on site - Hotel room with 2 person per room 80 USD/week. Atlyginimas per valandą - nuo $13.00 / hr.
„Safeway“ parduotuvėse prie Lake Tahoe – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos (atlyginimas $18.00 / hr):
South Lake Tahoe, CA https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/south-lake-tahoe/1020-johnson-ln.html ;
Zephyr Cove, NV https://local.safeway.com/safeway/nv/zephyr-cove/212-elks-point-rd.html .
JResort (formerly Sands Regency) (Reno, NV - https://www.jresortreno.com/ ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Attendant, atlyginimas $13.50 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property).
Foxwoods Resort Casino (the largest resort casino in North America! , www.foxwoods.com Mashantucket, CT), pareigos: Shared Labor Positions. Housing provided in the Fox Tower Hote, cost just 40 USD/week/student. Students will also be offered uniforms and meal cards (3 meals per day). Atlyginimas $16.16 / hr.
Tropicana Laughlin (Laughlin, NV - https://www.caesars.com/tropicana-laughlin ), pareigoms: Restaurant Cashier, Restaurant Stockers, Line Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers/Dishwashers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $12.00 / hr iki $15.00 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property).
Rocky Gap (Casino - Resort - Golf) - https://www.cnty.com/rocky-gap (Maryland valstijoje, netoli Vašingtono, privalumas - Housing Arranged), pareigoms Room Attendant $15.25 / hr, Utility Cook $15.00 / hr.
Harrah's / Harveys Lake Tahoe (Stateline, NV) - „TOP“ Nr. 1 pagal populiarumą darbovietė „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South):
https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-tahoe ;
https://www.caesars.com/harveys-tahoe .
Pareigos: Beverage Server, Barista, Front Desk Agent, Bell Desk, Server, Busser, Host, Total Rewards Cashier, kt. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $11.25+tips - $20.00+tips.
Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe (formerly Hard Rock Lake Tahoe Hotel & Casino) https://www.goldennugget.com/lake-tahoe/coming-soon/ „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South). Pareigos: Cocktail Server, Cage Cashier, Hotel Front Desk Agent, Barback, Security, kt. Atlyginimas - nuo $12.00 / hr + Tips iki $15.00 / hr + Tips.
Round Hill Pines Beach Resort (Zephyr Cove, NV prie Lake Tahoe - https://www.roundhillpinesresort.com/ ), pareigos: Food Runners, Beach Attendants, Building Services, Parking Attendants. Atlyginimas per valandą - $12.00 / hr arba $15.00 / hr (priklauso nuo pareigų).
Mountaineer Casino (West Virginia valstijoje):
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/food-drink ;
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/calendar ;
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/resort/hotel ;
https://www.cnty.com/mountaineer/racing .
Verta Jūsų dėmesio darbovietė, tuo labiau - jeigu domitės ir žirginiu sportu. Privalumas - Housing Provided FREE OF CHARGE: We will have onsite hotel rooms and/or dorm rooms available for all participants. There will be 1-2 participants assigned to each room. The cost will be $0. Nemokamas apgyvendinimas vertintinas kaip PLIUS 2 – 3 USD/val. priedas prie atlyginimo tarifo.
Breakfast Hangout & Euphoria (Lake City, Colorado) http://www.breakfasthangout.com/ : Restaurant Worker $14.81/hr; Housing provided $105/ week; Enjoy a shift meal, free coffee, and soft drinks while you work; Your workplace will be surrounded by towering peaks, clear lakes, and picturesque valleys; Explore scenic trails, world-class fishing, and thrilling water sports during your downtime.
Žemiau - PAVYZDŽIAI darbo pasiūlymų mūsų „Work and Travel USA“ programos pretendentams („WT-Premium“ programos variantas) 2024 m. ir ankstesniais metais.
Tokių ir / ar panašių darbo pasiūlymų tikimės iš JAV partnerių ir kitos vasaros mūsų Work and Travel USA kandidatams.
TŪKSTANČIAI darbo pasiūlymų InterExchange sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje! https://app.interexchange.org/cooperators/29706c28/job_listings .
Daug darbo pasiūlymų CIEE sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje CIEE Connect - Applicant Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJ0xHQVilc .
Harrah's / Harveys Lake Tahoe (Stateline, NV) - „TOP“ Nr. 1 pagal populiarumą darbovietė „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South):
https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-tahoe ;
https://www.caesars.com/harveys-tahoe .
Pareigos: Beverage Server, Barista, Front Desk Agent, Bell Desk, Server, Busser, Host, Total Rewards Cashier, kt.
Majestic Hotel (Anaheim, CA / Los Angeles, CA - a Disneyland® Resort Good Neighbor Hotel - https://majesticgardenhotel.com ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Assistant, Housekeeping Assistant. Housing provided.
Santa Cruz Seaside Company (https://beachboardwalk.com/) kurorte prie Ramiojo vandenyno Santa Cruz, California (Voted the World‘s Best Seaside Park): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Santa_Cruz_Seaside_Company_CA.pdf .
Start Date – nuo gegužės pradžios net iki birželio 29 d.
Apgyvendinimas suteikiamas, kaina - nedidelė.
Edgewood Tahoe („TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South) - https://edgewoodtahoe.com/ , pareigos: In-Room Dining Servers, Banquet Servers, Banquet Event Set-Up, Bussers / Food Runners, Hosts, Snack Bar Attendants, Pool Attendants, Prep-Cooks. Atlyginimas - nuo $11,25 / hr + Tips iki $20.00 / hr.
Golden Nugget Lake Tahoe (formerly Hard Rock Lake Tahoe Hotel & Casino) https://www.goldennugget.com/lake-tahoe/coming-soon/ „TOP“ vietovėje (Lake Tahoe - South). Pareigos: Cocktail Server, Barista, Bartender, Security, Hotel Front Desk Agent, Busperson, Hostess, Cage Cashier, kt. Atlyginimas - nuo $11,25 / hr + Tips iki $15.00 / hr.
Beach Retreat & Lodge Tahoe (South Lake Tahoe, CA: https://www.tahoebeachretreat.com/ ), pareigos: Line Cook, Kitchen Steward. Atlyginimas per valandą: $16.00 / hr.
„Safeway“ parduotuvėje prie Lake Tahoe – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos (atlyginimas per valandą: $18.00 / hr):
Zephyr Cove, NV (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/nv/zephyr-cove/212-elks-point-rd.html) .
Round Hill Pines Beach Resort (Zephyr Cove, NV prie Lake Tahoe -https://www.roundhillpinesresort.com/ ), pareigos: Food Runners, Beach Attendants, Building Services, Parking Attendants. Atlyginimas per valandą - nuo $12.00 / hr.
The Row Reno ( https://www.caesars.com/the-row-reno - 3 Resorts: „Eldorado“, „Silver Legacy“, "Circus Circus") Reno, NV – pareigos: Barista, Burger Cook, Burger Cashier, Busser, Line Cook, Host, Cashier/Host, Guest Room Attendant, Porter, Steward. Atlyginimas: nuo $10.50 / hr + Tips iki $18.00 / hr.
JResort (formerly Sands Regency) (Reno, NV - https://www.jresortreno.com/ ), pareigoms: Food and Beverage Attendant, atlyginimas $13.50 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property).
Aquarius Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.aquariuscasinoresort.com/ ), pareigos: Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers, EVS Porters. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $13,80 / hr iki $17,55 / hr. Housing Provided (no charge).
Edgewater Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.edgewater-casino.com/ ), pareigos: Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers, EVS Porters. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $13,80 / hr iki $17,55 / hr. Housing Provided (no charge).
Tropicana Laughlin (Laughlin, NV - https://www.caesars.com/tropicana-laughlin ), pareigoms: Restaurant Cashier, Food Servers, Restaurant Stockers, Line Cooks, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers/Dishwashers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $10.50 / hr + Tips iki $15.00 / hr. Housing Provided (free on property).
Primm Valley Casino Resorts (https://www.primmvalleyresorts.com/ , Primm, NV) pareigoms: Quick Service Restaurant Staff, Lifeguards, Gas Station Cashiers, Guest Room Attendants, Housemen. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $13.00 / hr - $15.00 / hr. Housing provided by employer on-site. Participants will be living in the “Four Dormitory” units. Each participant will have their own private bedroom.
Foxwoods Resort Casino (the largest resort casino in North America! , www.foxwoods.com Mashantucket, CT), pareigos: Shared Labor Positions. Housing provided in the Fox Tower Hote, cost just 40 USD/week/student. Students will also be offered uniforms and meal cards (3 meals per day). Atlyginimas (priklauso nuo pareigų): nuo $14.50 / hr iki $15.50 / hr.
"Safeway“ parduotuvėje prie Lake Tahoe ežero – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos (atlyginimas per valandą: $18.00 / hr) - South Lake Tahoe, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/south-lake-tahoe/1020-johnson-ln.html) .
Sunriver Resort (Sunriver, Oregon) https://www.sunriverresort.com/ , pareigoms
Housekeeping Room Attendant – 21,75 USD/hr:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_Sunriver_Resort_OR_Housekeeping_Room_Addendant_PC1362170.pdf .
Resorts Casino Hotel (Atlantic City, NJ) - https://resortsac.com/ , pareigoms: Barporter, Bellman, Busperson, Cook, Food Runner, Food Server, Front Desk Agent, Heavy Porter, Host/Hostess, Line Server, Parking Cashier / Dispatcher, Porter, Room Attendant, kt. Atlyginimas - nuo $10,50 / hr + Tips iki $21.00 / hr.
Golden Nugget Atlantic City (Atlantic City, NJ - https://www.goldennugget.com/atlantic-city/ ), pareigoms: Intermediate Cook - atlyginimas $20.00 / hr, Pantry Attendant - atlyginimas $19.50 / hr; pareigoms: Bartender, Bar Porter, Food Server, Bus Person, Security Officer, EVS Cleaner, Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Porter/Steward. Atlyginimas (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $10.00 / hr iki $19.00 / hr.
Bally's Atlantic City (Atlantic City, NJ - https://casinos.ballys.com/atlantic-city/ ), pareigoms: Attendant - Beach Bar, Attendant - Food Dunkin Donuts, Pool Attendant, Cook I - The Yard, Host Person, Guest Service Agent, Quality Assurance Coordinator, Kitchen Utility, EVS - Casino Utility Attendant, kt. Atlyginimas - $14,13 / hr.
Mt. McKinley Lodge (Princess Lodges) Aliaskoje ( https://www.princesslodges.com/princess-alaska-lodges/mckinley-lodge/ ):
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_HAP_Mt_McKinley_Princess_AK_PC1417481_Busser.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_HAP_Mt_McKinley_Princess_AK_PC1417489_Prep_Cook.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_HAP_Mt_McKinley_Princess_AK_PC1417513_Dishwasher.pdf .
PMG-Aquatic Management of Austin (Austin, TX - Teksase): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_PMG_Aquatic_TX_Lifeguard_PC1363938.pdf .
Bandon Dunes Golf Resort (Bandon, Oregon): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Bandon_Dunes_Golf_Resort_OR.pdf .
Delaware North at Tenaya Lodge (Yosemite National Park, Fish Camp, California): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Tenaya_Lodge_Yosemite_CA.pdf .
Delaware North Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon South Rim, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf .
Xanterra Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon South Rim, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf .
Xanterra Rocky Mountain National Park (Trail Ridge Gift Store) (Estes Park, Colorado): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Rocky_Mountain_CO.pdf .
Grand Canyon North Rim {Grand Canyon (North Rim), Arizona}: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf .
Delaware North at the Squire Resort Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon Village, Tusayan, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Delaware_North_Squire_Resort_Grand_Canyon_AZ.pdf .
Xanterra Mt. Rushmore (Keystone, South Dakota): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Mt_Rushmore_SD.pdf .
Aramark at Lake Powell North (Bullfrog, Utah): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Aramark_at_Lake_Powell_North_UT.pdf .
Wall Drug Store (Wall, South Dakota): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Wall_Drug_Store_SD.pdf .
Story Land Theme Park (Glen, New Hampshire): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Story_Land_Theme_Park_NH.pdf .
Grand Canyon North Rim {Grand Canyon (North Rim), Arizona}: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf .
The Lodge at Bryce Canyon (Bryce, Utah): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Lodge_at_Bryce_Canyon_UT.pdf .
Kampgounds of America / Palmer Gulch Lodge Mt. Rushmore (Hill City, South Dakota): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Mt_Rushmore_KOA_Palmer_Gulch_Resort_SD.pdf .
Aramark at South Lake Powell (Page, Arizona): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Aramark_at_Lake_Powell_South_AZ.pdf .
Turning Stone Resort Casino (Verona, NY - www.turningstone.com), pareigos: Golf Course Attendant, Kitchen BoH staff. Housing provided, tik 38 USD / savaitei.
Edgewood Tahoe (Lake Tahoe - South) - https://edgewoodtahoe.com/ , pareigos: Bussers / Food Runners, In-Room Dining Servers, Hosts, Pool Attendants, Prep-Cooks, Barista, Stewards.
Chart House – Tahoe (Stateline, NV - https://www.chart-house.com/location/chart-house-lake-tahoe-nv/ ), pareigos: Busser / Food Runner $11.50/hr + tips, Host / Hostess $16.00/hr + tips, Prep Cook / Cook $19.00/hr + tips.
Foxwoods Resort Casino (the largest resort casino in North America! , www.foxwoods.com Mashantucket, CT), pareigos: Shared Labor Positions. Housing provided in the Fox Tower Hote, cost just 40 USD/week/student. Students will also be offered uniforms and meal cards (3 meals per day). .
Circus-Circus Las Vegas ( https://www.circuscircus.com ), pareigos: Midway (Game) Attendants, Lifeguards, Guest Room Attendants. Employee housing on site - Hotel room with 2 person per room. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $10.50 / hr - $17.21 / hr.
Bally’s Lake Tahoe ( https://ballyslaketahoe.com/ ), pareigos: Front Desk Clerks, Cocktail Servers, Buspersons, Cafe Attendants, Security, Guest Room Attendants, kt. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $10.50/hr+tips - $16.75 / hr.
Beach Retreat & Lodge Tahoe (South Lake Tahoe, CA: https://www.tahoebeachretreat.com/ ), pareigos: Restaurant Support Staff, Banquet Support Staff, Kitchen Cook, Kitchen Steward.
Camp Richardson Resort (South Lake Tahoe, CA - www.camprichardson.com), pareigos: Host; Prep Cook / Pantry; Dishwasher; Support Staff; Campgrounds RV Attendant; General Store Clerk; Ice Cream Parlor Scooper; Marina Attendant; Parking Attendant; Warehouse Attendant. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $15.50/hr - $15.50/hr+tips.
Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel (South Lake Tahoe, CA - https://www.tahoeresorthotel.com/ ) - pareigos: Food Runner / Busser / Cafe Attendant; Housekeepers; Steward / Dishwasher. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $15.00/hr+tips - $17.00 / hr.
„Safeway“ parduotuvėse prie Lake Tahoe ežero keliose vietovėse – Multi-Purpose Clerk pareigos:
South Lake Tahoe, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/south-lake-tahoe/1020-johnson-ln.html);
Zephyr Cove, NV (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/nv/zephyr-cove/212-elks-point-rd.html) .
Tahoe City, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/tahoe-city/850-n-lake-blvd.html);
Truckee, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/truckee/11290-donner-pass-rd.html);
Kings Beach, CA (https://local.safeway.com/safeway/ca/kings-beach/7815-n-lake-blvd.html).
Round Hill Pines Beach Resort (Zephyr Cove, NV prie Lake Tahoe - www.roundhillpinesresort.com), pareigos: Beach Attendants, Cooks, Cashiers, Parking Attendants, Food Runners, Building Services, Dishwashers.
Quality Inn South Lake Tahoe ( https://www.choicehotels.com/california/south-lake-tahoe/quality-inn-hotels/ca668 ), pareigos: Front Desk Agent, Housekkepers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $16.00 / hr - $17.00 / hr. Housing offered by the Host Company.
Tahoe Hospitality (South Lake Tahoe, CA - https://tahoehospitality.com/ ), pareigos: Front Desk Agent, Guest Room Attendant. Atlyginimas per valandą: $15.00 / hr. Housing offered by the Host Company.
Reno, NV - The Biggest Little City in the World:
Sands Regency Casino Hotel (https://sandsregency.com/), pareigos: Food and Beverage Attendant, Front Desk Agent, Houseperson, Guest Room Attendant. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $13.00 / hr - $15.00 / hr. Housing Provided by the HC (free on property).
Gold Dust West Reno (https://www.gdwcasino.com/reno/), pareigos: Bussers, Grill Servers. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $9.50/hr+tips - $10.00 / hr.
Housing Provided by the HC (free at Sands Regency). NEMOKAMO apgyvendinimo papildoma nauda dalyviams vertintina BENT PO KELIS USD/val. plius prie nurodyto atlyginimo tarifo.
„The Row Reno“ ( https://www.caesars.com/the-row-reno - 3 Resorts: „Eldorado“, „Silver Legacy“, "Circus Circus") Reno, NV – pareigos: Cocktail Server (šiose pareigose labai gerus arbatpinigius gaudavo merginos), Cooks, Room Attendants, Public Area Housekeepers, Dishwashers.
Nugget Casino Resort (Reno / Sparks, NV, www.nuggetcasinoresort.com ), pareigos Guest Room Attendants. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo valomų kambarių skaičiaus): $16.00 / hr - $18.00 / hr.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT - https://mohegansun.com/) - pareigoms: Food Server - Room Service, Barista, Barback, Front Window Cashier, Retail Sales Person, Support Specialist, Cook - Room Service, Guest Room Attendant ir kitoms. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $8.15/hr+tips - $16.38 / hr.
The Lodge Casino (Black Hawk, CO - https://thelodgecasino.com/ ), pareigos: Restaurant Cashier/Host, Busser, Kitchen Worker (Prep and Dishwasher), Hotel Housekeeper / Casino Steward, Facilities Utility. Atlyginimas per valandą (nuo - iki, priklauso nuo pareigų): $16.00 / hr - $17.50 / hr. Housing and Transportation arranged.
Aquarius Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.aquariuscasinoresort.com/ ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers,EVS Porters.
Edgewater Casino Resort (Laughlin, NV - https://www.edgewater-casino.com/ ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers,EVS Porters.
Tropicana Laughlin (Laughlin, NV - https://www.caesars.com/tropicana-laughlin ), pareigoms: Restaurant Cashier, Food Server (with experience), Line Cooks (with experience), Guest Room Attendants, Kitchen Workers/Dishwashers. Housing Provided by the HC (free on property).
Marco Polo Pizza, Myrtle Beach, SC, pareigos: Kitchen Help; apgyvendinimas suteikiamas: Marco_Polo_Pizza_SC_Kitchen_Help .
Atrankos ir apmokymai Kaune ir Vilniuje vasaros sezono darbui pardavimų srityje “The Southwestern Advantage" kompanijoje ( www.southwesternadvantage.com ) įvairiose JAV valstijose.
Caesar's Atlantic City Properties (https://www.caesars.com/atlantic-city) Atlantic City, NJ, pareigos - Houskeepers / Housepersons ($19.00 / $20.00 / hr after June 1, 2023):
Caesar’s Atlantic City - https://www.caesars.com/caesars-ac ;
Harrah’s Atlantic City - https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-ac/hotel .
Harrah's Council Bluffs (Council Bluffs, Iowa - https://www.caesars.com/harrahs-council-bluffs ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants. Housing provided.
Horseshoe Council Bluffs (Council Bluffs, Iowa - https://www.caesars.com/horseshoe-council-bluffs ), pareigos: Guest Room Attendants. Housing provided.
Long Island, NY (netoli Niujorko):
Duryeas Lobster Deck NY Host ;
Lulu Kitchen & Bar NY Busser .
Lake Shore Country Club Čikagos priemiestyje (https://www.lakeshorecc.com):
padavėja/s: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_PC882597.pdf ;
Locker Room Attendant / Housekeeper: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Intrax_PC882598.pdf .
Ballard's (Block Island, RI, netoli Niujorko https://ballardsbi.com/ ; #ultimatesummerparty ; video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlju9dhbotg ) : Food & Beverage (in 2021 J1 students in this position made and average of $1,000 per week in July & August), Culinary, Front Desk, Hotel/Resort Workers. Dormitory style housing offered at $100/week.
The Gilpin Casino (Black Hawk, CO - https://thegilpincasino.com/): Casino/Hotel Housekeepers, Prep Cooks, Food Cashiers, Dishwashers.
Dunkin Donuts keli - keliolika restoranėlių Massachussetts valstijos Rytuose: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Dunkin_Donuts_Couto_MA.pdf .
Stein Eriksen Lodge (Park City, UT): Cooks $18.00 /hour, Housekeepers $18.00 /hour + Tips, Host/Hostess $14.50 /hour + Tips, Food and Beverage Assistants $9.00 /hour + Tips, Spa Attendant $18.00 /hour, Dishwasher $18.00 /hour: https://www.steincollection.com/ ; https://www.steinlodge.com/dining ; https://www.steinlodge.com/amenities ; https://www.steinlodge.com/weddings .
Castle Hill In, Newport RI - Food and Beverage Assistant $15.00 /hour + Tips: https://www.castlehillinn.com/ ; https://www.instagram.com/castlehillinn/ .
Newport Hotel Group (https://www.newporthotelgroup.com/ ) in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, & Wyoming:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Newport_Hotel_Group_MA_NH_RI_WY.pdf ($18.00/hr - $21.00/hr).
Morey‘s Piers and Water Parks New Jersey valstijoje:
https://www.moreyspiers.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Moreys_Piers_NJ.pdf .
Jilly‘s Stores Ocean City, New Jersey valstijoje:
https://jillysocnj.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Jillys_Stores_NJ.pdf .
Runaway Rapids at Keansburg Amusement Park New Jersey valstijoje:
https://keansburgamusementpark.com/runaway-rapids/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Runaway_Rapids_NJ.pdf .
Apgyvendinimas buvo tik 50 USD/savaitei.
Taco Boy And Wiki Wiki Sandbar Folly Beach, South Carolina:
https://www.wikiwikisandbar.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Taco_Boy_Wiki_Wiki_Sandbar_SC.pdf .
Nemokamas apgyvendinimas.
Story Land New Hampshire valstijoje:
https://www.storylandnh.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Story_Land_NH.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Storyland_Theme_Park_NH.pdf .
YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly Black Mountain, North Carolina:
https://blueridgeassembly.org/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_YMCA_Blue_Ridge_NC.pdf .
The Lodge at Bryce Canyon, Bryce, Utah - Bryce Canyon Lodge UT .
Grand Canyon Lodge - Arizonos valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Grand_Canyon_Lodge_AZ.pdf .
Xanterra Rocky Mountain - Colorado valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Rocky_Mountain_CO.pdf .
Yellowstone Club - Montanos valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Yellowstone_Club_MT.pdf .
West Glacier KOA - Montanos valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_West_Glacier_KOA_MT.pdf .
Mt. Rushmore KOA – South Dakota valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Mt_Rushmore_KOA_SD.pdf .
Xanterra Mt. Rushmore – South Dakota valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Xanterra_Mt_Rushmore_SD.pdf .
Wall Drug Store – South Dakota valstijoje:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Janus_Wall_Drug_Store_SD.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Wall_Drug_Store_SD.pdf .
Northgate Resorts - darbo pasiūlymai valstijose - California, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Texas: (https://www.northgateresorts.com/ ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Northgate_Resorts_CA_MD_NH_NY_TX.pdf ;
Nemokamas apgyvendinimas.
Dells Resorts poilsio komplekese (Wisconsin Dells, WI – vandens parkų „sostinėje“):
Aloha Beach Resort - https://www.alohabeachresort.com/ :
Dells Resorts Aloha Beach Resort WI Front Desk Reservationist ;
Dells Resorts Aloha Beach Resort WI Housekeeper ;
Natura Resort - https://www.destinationsbynatura.com/ :
Dells Resorts Natura Resort WI Front Desk Reservationist ;
Dells Resorts Natura Resort WI Housekeeper ;
Dells Resorts Natura Resort WI Lagoon Ranger ;
Hot Rocks Restaurant - https://www.eatonhotrocks.com/menu/ :
Dells Resorts Hot Rocks Restaurant WI Expeditor ;
The Vue Boutique Hotel – https://www.enjoythevue.com/ :
Dells Resorts Vue Boutique WI Housekeeper ;
Start Dates: May 4 – June 19; End dates: September 7 - 15.
Housing provided: $100 / week.
Bluebird Restaurant & Tavern (Leland, MI - https://www.bluebirdleland.com/), pareigoms, informacija - nuorodose:
Bluebird of Leland MI Server .
Bluebird of Leland MI Cook ;
Bluebird of Leland MI Dishwasher .
Tahoe Ridge Resort (https://holidayinnclub.com/explore-resorts/tahoe-ridge-resort , Stateline, NV / South Lake Tahoe, CA).
Thundering Surf Waterpark (https://www.thunderingsurfwaterpark.com/) Beach Haven, NJ (prie Atlanto vandenyno), pareigoms Shallow Water Lifeguard: Thundering Surf Waterpark Beach Haven NJ Shallow Water Lifeguard .
Watermen‘s Retreat (Wawes, NC - https://www.watermensretreat.com/) prie Atlanto vandenyno, pareigos Housekeeping, Dishwasher / Prep Cook:
Watermans Retreat Waves NC Housekeeping ;
Watermens Bar & Grill Waves NC Dishwasher PrepCook .
Nugget Casino Resort (www.nuggetcasinoresort.com Reno / Sparks, NV) - pareigoms:
Host-Cashier / Busperson: Nugget Host Cashier .
Store Room Clerk: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Nugget_Storeroom_Clerk.pdf ;
Utility Worker: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Nugget_Facilities_Utility_worker.pdf .
Grand Sierra Resort (https://www.grandsierraresort.com) - pareigoms: Cocktail Server; Food Server; Food Runner; Busser / Bus Person; Bar Helper – Beach; Host / Cashier; Front Desk Agent; Guest Services Reservationist; Bell Desk Attendant; Cook Helper; Cook – Buffet; Steward / Dishwasher; Guest Room Attendant; Porter Public Area Ceaner / EVS ir / ar kitoms.
Van Rensselaer's Restaurant (South Wellfleet, MA) - https://www.vanrensselaers.com/ .
Santa‘s Village (Jefferson, NH) - https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Santas_Village_Jefferson_NH.pdf .
Rioz Brazlilian Steakhouse: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Rioz_Brazilian_Steakhouse_SC.pdf .
Chautauqua Institution: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Chautauqua_Institution_NY.pdf .
Centerplate Steamship Authority: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Centerplate_Steamship_MA.pdf .
Ortega National Parks (kelios lokacijos): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Ortega_National_Parks.pdf .
California Parks Company (kelios lokacijos): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_California_Parks_Company_CA_OR.pdf .
Funtown Splashtown (Maine / ME): https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Centerplate_at_Funtown_Splashtown_ME.pdf .
Dumsers Diary Land (Ocean City, MD): Dumsers Dairyland MD Ocean City .
ACE Aquatiqs (Maryland / MD, įvairios lokacijos): Ace Aquatics MD Lifeguard .
Newport Restaurants: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Newport_Restaurants_RI.pdf .
Taco Boy Wiki Sandbar: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Taco_Boy_Wiki_Wiki_Sandbar_SC.pdf .
Piggly Wigly: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Piggly_Wiggly_WI.pdf .
Sunset Beach Hotel: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Sunset_Beach_Hotel_NY.pdf .
Cross Sound Deli: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Cross_Sound_Deli_CT.pdf .
Westgate Resorts: Westgate Resorts Gatlinburg TN .
Boardwalk Restaurants: Boardwalk Restaurants OH .
Off the Map Hospitality: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Off_the_Map_Hospitality_MI.pdf .
Sportservice: Sportservice Milwaukee WI ;
Mt. Olympus (Wisconsin Dells, WI).
Chula Vista Resort (Wisconsin Dells, WI) - http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/IEX_Chula_Vista_WI.pdf .
Forbes Candies (NC, VA) .
Bel-Air Bay Club - www.belairbayclub.com .
#1 of all Los Angeles Wedding Venues!
The Bel-Air Bay Club is an event venue located in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California. Bel-Air Bay Club consists of two facilities separated by Pacific Coast Highway. The grounds are located on one-quarter mile of beachfront, with a total of 14 acres including picturesque bluffs overlooking the sea.
Pareigoms: Food & Banquet Server, Beach Attendant, Locker Room Attendant.
Alpine Resort and Golf Club:
Alpine Resort and Golf Club WI Housekeeper ;
Alpine Resort and Golf Club WI Server .
Bakers Sunset Bay Resort: Bakers Sunset Bay Resort WI Housekeeper .
Ponderosa Restaurant:
Ponderosa Restaurant WI Cashier ;
Ponderosa Restaurant WI Dishwasher ;
Ponderosa Restaurant WI Prep Cook .
Sunset Grille Raw Bar: Sunset Grille Raw Bar NC Kitchen Help .
Holiday Inn & Suites:
Holiday Inn & Suites North Beach VA Host ;
Holiday Inn & Suites North Beach VA Pool Attendant ;
Holiday Inn & Suites North Beach VA Prep Cook ;
Holiday Inn Express & Suites VA Houseman ;
Holiday Inn VA Beach Oceanside Room Attendant .
Kitty Hawk parduotuvėse Šiaurės Karolinos kurortuose prie Atlanto:
Kitty Hawk Kites Beaufort NC Fun Consultant ;
Kitty Hawk Kites Corolla NC Fun Consultant ;
Kitty Hawk Surf Nags Head NC Fun Consultant .
The Fudgery - saldėsių gamyboje ir prekyboje kurortuose prie Atlanto:
Fudgery Currituck Club Corolla NC Sales Person ;
Fudgery Jockeys Ridge Nags Head NC Candymaker ;
Fudgery Timbuck II Corolla NC Candymaker ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Fudgery_Myrtle_Beach_SC_Candymaker_Male_PC260530.pdf ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Fudgery_Scarborough_Lane_NC_Candymaker_Male_PC260538.pdf ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Fudgery_Scarborough_Lane_NC_Salesperson_Female_PC260537.pdf .
Pelham House Resort (Dennisport, MA): Pelham House Resort MA Cook .
Sanderling Resort (https://www.sanderling-resort.com/ , Duck, NC):
Sanderling Resort Duck NC Busser Server ;
Sanderling Resort Duck NC Houseperson .
Kiawah Island Club Private Membership Club (https://www.kiawahislandclub.com), pareigoms Food Runner, Host/Hostess: Kiawah Island Club SC .
Grand Canyon North Rim, LLC (Forever Resorts) Arizonoje - https://www.grandcanyonforever.com/ , informacija: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Grand_Canyon_North_Rim_AZ.pdf .
Allen Marine Tours (Aliaskoje, pareigoms Tour Representative) - https://allenmarinetours.com/ , informacija: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Allen_Marine_Tours_AK.pdf .
Storyland Theme Park: Storyland Theme Park Glen NH .
Delaware North Grand Canyon: Delaware North Grand Canyon AZ .
Bonkers Restaurant: Bonkers Restaurant Page AZ (town near Antelope Canyon and the Horseshoe Bend).
Mariners Arcade:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Mariners_Arcade_NJ_PC366155.pdf (Customer Associate);
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Mariners_Arcade_NJ_Customer_Associate_PC344687.pdf ;
Sunset Beachware:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Sunset_Beachwear_NJ_PC333711.pdf (Customer Service Associate);
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Sunset_Beachwear_PC333712_M_Customer_Service_Associate.pdf ;
Spring Brook Golf Resort:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Spring_Brook_Golf_Resort_WI_PC341550.pdf (https://www.spring-brook.com/ ; Restaurant Worker);
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Spring_Brook_Golf_Resort_WI_PC341549.pdf (https://www.spring-brook.com/ ; Housekeeper).
KK Fiske Granary:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/KK_Fiske_Granary_WI_PC357225.pdf (Waitstaff);
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/KK_Fiske_Granary_WI_PC357227.pdf (Cook);
Yachtclub Sisterbay:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/YachtClub_SisterBay_WI_Hskp_PC365314.pdf .
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/YachtClub_SisterBay_WI_PC345780.pdf (Housekeeper).
Kalahari Resort:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Kalahari_Resort_PC333839_Lifeguard.pdf ;
Family Kingdom:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Family_Kingdom_SC_Lifeguard_PC263878.pdf (Start date May 13 – 17);
Dairy Queen:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Dairy_Queen_NC_Store_Attendant_Crew_Member_PC265380.pdf ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Dairy_Queen_NC_Store_Attendant_Crew_Member_PC265382.pdf .
Grand Casino Hinckley Hotel:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Grand_Casino_Hinckley_Hotel_MN_Line_Cook_PC270281.pdf ;
Newport Pacific Corp - Mos Restaurant:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Newport_Pacific_Corp_dba_Mos_Restaurant_OR_Line_Cook_PC285723.pdf ;
Seafood House / Calabash Buffet: http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Seafood_House_Calabash_Buffet_SC_Hostess_Busser_Gift%20Shop_PC271169.pdf ;
Sports Bar & Grill: http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/716_Sports_Bar_&_Grill_NY_Line_Cook_PC263840.pdf ;
Loews' Miami:
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Loews_Miami_Retail_Sales_Associate_PC263497.pdf ;
http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Loews_Miami_Pool_Attendant_PC263499.pdf ;
Shoreline Apparel: http://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Shoreline_Apparel_Customer_Service_Associate_PC282754.pdf .
Paul Bunyan's:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Paul_Bunyans_Cook_Shanty_PC276699.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/Paul_Bunyans_Restaurant_Worker_PC276700.pdf .
Rock House Bar and Grill, Tybee Island, GA (also known as Savannah Beach, is an island located just 20 minutes away from historic downtown Savannah, GA) - http://www.rockhousetybee.com/ :
Server / Bartender, Hostess, Cook.
Ocean Edge Resort & Golf Club (Cape Cod, MA):
www.oceanedge.com ;
https://www.oceanedge.com/photos ;
Pareigoms: Food and Beverage, Reservations, Conference Services, Golf Operations Attendant, Beach / Pool Attendant, Cook, Room Attendant, kt.
Busch Gardens - Williamsburg, VA
https://seaworldparks.com/en/buschgardens-williamsburg/ ;
http://buschgardens.com/ ;
http://www.bgwjobs.com/internationalprogram.html ;
http://www.bgwjobs.com/international-program-faq.html .
Rock Island Cafe (Honolulu, Hawaii) http://www.rockislandcafe.com/
Start Dates: May 9 - June 30
End Dates: August 1 - September 16.
Shaw's (Grocery Store) - Hyannis, MA: https://local.shaws.com/ma/hyannis.html .
Amazing Pictures:
Universal Studios, Hollywood, CA
Disney World, Orlando, FL
pramogų parkuose kitose JAV valstijose.
Gateway 26 Arcade (Wildwood, NJ) - http://www.gateway26.com/ :
Counter Attendants / Floor Attendants.
Asticou Inn – Northeast Harbor, ME
Servers / Assistant Servers.
Hard Rock Café
Food Runner, Retail Sales Associate
Various Locations / keliose vietovėse, e.g. / pvz.:
Hard Rock Cafe Washington, DC - www.hardrock.com/cafes/washington-dc/ ;
Hard Rock Cafe Miami, FL - www.hardrock.com/cafes/miami/ ;
Hard Rock Café Myrtle Beach, SC - www.hardrock.com/cafes/myrtle-beach/ ;
Hard Rock Café Key West, FL - www.hardrock.com/cafes/key-west/ ;
Hard Rock Café Baltimore, MD - www.hardrock.com/cafes/baltimore/ ;
Hard Rock Café New Orleans, LA - www.hardrock.com/cafes/new-orleans/ .
Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Resort and Spa (San Diego, CA) - https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/hotel/california/hyatt-regency-mission-bay-spa-and-marina/sanis :
Room and Laundry Attendance / Houseperson.
Denali Park Salmon Bake - Denali Park, Alaska (AK)
Hosts, Restaurant Worker, other positions,
Video apie Aliaską: http://alaska.org/videos .
Seward Windsong Lodge, Alaska:
Hotel Attendant (Start - first week of May)
Hotel Attendant (Start - last week of May)
Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge, Alaska
Hotel Attendant (Start – May to June 01)
Best Western Grand Canyon Squire Inn, Grand Canyon, Arizona
www.grandcanyonsquire.com/ ;
www.grandcanyonsquire.com/surrounding_area.html :
Hotel Worker.
The Home Depot parduotuvės Aliaskoje (Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Kenai, Wasilla) - https://www.facebook.com/homedepot/ :
Cashier / Returns Associate, Sales Associate, Lot Associate.
Perfect Pool & Spa Management Inc., New Jersey
Pool Maintenance/Lifeguard, Male
Near to New York, NY. Housing FREE, so value approx. +$2/hour to Pay Rate (e.g., if housing $400/month, you work 200 hours/month).
Margaritaville Beach Hotel (Pensacola, FL) - www.margaritavillehotel.com/ :
Cook, Front Desk, Bellman, Housekeeper.
Margaritaville Restaurant (Myrtle Beach, SC) - www.margaritavillemyrtlebeach.com/ :
Retail / Hosts.
LandShark (Myrtle Beach, SC) - https://www.facebook.com/LandSharkMyrtleBeach :
Server, Busser, Host, Cook (must have experience).
Big Sky Resort (http://www.bigskyresort.com/), Montana (MT).
Hyatt Place Hotel – Uncasville, CT http://uncasville.place.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/place/index.jsp
Housekeepers, Housemen, Laundry
The Resort at Paws Up – Greenough, Montana
Housekeepers, Dishwashers, Cooks
Best Western Colorado River Inn - Needles, California
Housekeeper/Laundry Attendant
Bay Point Marriott Resort - Panama City Beach, Florida
Destin Hilton – Destin, Florida
Big Kahuna’s Water and Adventure Park (Destin, Florida)
Harrah's North Kansas City kazino - viešbučių komplekse (Kansas City, Missouri):
Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort, Spa and Casino (Incline Village, Nevada valstijoje):
Johnny Rockets Manhattan (New York, NY):
Tropicana Express / River Palms Resort Casino kazino - viešbučių komplekse (Laughlin, Nevada):
Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville (Florida, South Carolina, Connecticut, etc.):
Belle Haven Country Club (Alexandria, Virginia):
George’s of Galilee – Waterfront Seafood Restaurant (Narragansett, Rhode Island):
Forty 1 North Marina Resort (Newport, Rhode Island):
Ritz Carlton Miami Beach, Florida:
Ritz Carlton Laguna Niguel, California:
Residence Inn (Williamsburg, Virginia):
http://www.hhmhospitality.com/ .
Spalio mėn. - balandžio mėn. vykdomos atrankos ir apmokymai Kaune ir Vilniuje vasaros sezono darbui “The Southwestern Advantage" kompanijoje ( www.southwesternadvantage.com ) įvairiose JAV valstijose.
Darbo pasiūlymų CIEE sponsoriaus online matching sistemoje CIEE Connect ankstesnių metų pavyzdžiai:
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Connect_some_Host_Companies.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Beach_Breeze_Inn_MA.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Beaver_Creek_Mountain_Lodging_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Catawba_Island_Club_The_Galley_OH_FnB_Associate.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Deer_Valley_Resort_Plaza_UT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Deer_Valley_Resort_The_Lodges_at_Deer_Valley_UT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Fishermans_Daughter_MA_Sales_Associate.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Pirates_Table_Calabash_Seafood_Buffet_SC.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Pirates_Table_Calabash_Seafood_Buffet_SC_Waitstaff.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Activities_Attendant.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Barback.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Front_Desk_Clerk.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Point_Sebago_ME_Line_Cook.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Steamboat_Ski_Resort_Corp_CO.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Stein_Eriksen_Lodge_UT.pdf ;
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Stock_Farm_Club_MT.pdf .
https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/CIEE_Stock_Farm_Club_MT.pdf .
Pastaba: renkantis darbo pasiūlymą, vertėtų atkreipti dėmesį, kad nemokamo ar nebrangaus - su ženklia nuolaida apgyvendinimo papildoma nauda dalyviams vertintina BENT PO KELIS USD/val. plius prie nurodomo atlyginimo tarifo.